Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cool Gadget

My cell phone has been on the blink.  It's been slowly dying for almost a year. The text keys don't always work, other functions sometimes go haywire, and the phone shuts off when it feels like it... even when it's fully charged!

It's past time for a new phone.

I stopped by the Apple Store today.  It was packed.  For a minute I thought they were giving away stuff in there. They weren't. I checked. LOL.

That place is like a toy store for adults.  Everyone in there is wide-eyed with excitement and playing with some gadget.  It's contagious.

I calmly moseyed over to the phone section, just to look, and there it was. I couldn't help myself. I caught the fever! I got an IPhone! Three words.  Oh. My. Goodness! It's Disneyland in your hands. It does tons of fun stuff and it's crazy convenient. Is it wrong to love a phone?  Kidding. LOL.  Sort of. LOL.

I decided it would be my one, big treat to myself... for the next year! You hear that, Apple store!  The only Apple aisles I'll be visiting are the ones at the grocery store... For now. :-)

My joy moment today was treating myself to a fun, new gadget, the IPhone.

Now, if I can just figure out how to do my blog on it.  But I'm sure there's an app for that. :-)

Stay tuned :-)

1 comment:

Sony said...

Ms. Girl, I anticipate all the joy that you're going to experience with your iPhone. Ever since I received a MacBook two years ago, I have sold my soul to the Apple Gods. I now own two iPhones (had to upgrade when the 3GS became available); and 3 iPods (same situation, each upgrade calls me by name).

So far, I'm resisting the urge to line up for the iPad but who knows?
By the way, my fave apps are WordSolitaire and Sally's Spa ... both are so addictive! Enjoy!