Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Time for a little rest and Stay-cation

I can't believe it. Summer is almost gone! That's just wrong, on so many levels. One of them being that I didn't do much this summer, LOL. It's been pretty low key. Plus, with these crazy times, we can't get too crazy with the funds.

But it's the very last weekend of the summer... a girl's gotta have a little fun! I decided it was time to go on a stay-cation, a popular term used these days, meaning a vacation close to home. You spend your time-off doing something fun at home or not too far away.  It's supposed to make you feel like you've gone on a vacation without spending all the Mula. Sounds good to me! I decided to go for it.

Destination? Either San Diego, Palm Springs or Santa Barbara. All of them, just a two-hour drive from La La Land. I'm already starting to getting excited, since I'm way over-due for a little rest and relaxation.

My bags are waiting... the ones under my eyes, that is. LOL!

My joy moment today was researching and planning my Labor day weekend stay-cation.

Details to come.

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Monday, August 30, 2010

New Food-ie!

My co-workers and I decided to actually leave the office today and go out to lunch. We giggled like school girls because this is such a rarity. They didn't tell me where we were going and I didn't bother to ask because I was just happy to be outside in the sunlight.

When the drive took more than a few minutes, I finally asked where we were headed for lunch.

"Pho." I was told.  "Who?" I asked.  "Pho... a Vietnamese restaurant," my co-worker said. "Oh, oh," I said to myself. My giddiness was starting to subside.

You see, I'm not the adventurous type when it comes to food. I'm pretty much a "Basic Betty." That's because my stomach is the biggest, most sensitive baby when it comes to different, spicy, or out of the norm foods. That being the case, I pretty much stick to the tried and true, so my "infant stomach" won't cry out and keep me up all night.

So when I heard Vietnamese, I thought, "Hmmm, this may not go over well."

But it did! The food was delish! Best part, no residual effects (T.M.I!) My "baby" is finally growing up, LOL!

Wish I could remember what I ordered... but I could only concentrate on one thing at a time. The "baby" is so demanding, LOL.

My joy moment today was branching out and trying a new type of cuisine... at least, for me.

I may just become a foodie, yet!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Sunday, August 29, 2010

MS. Emmy!

The Emmys!  TV's Biggest Night.

As someone who works behind-the-scenes and is also a genuine TV fan, the annual Emmy Awards is always a must see, for me.

Although, I haven't had the opportunity to attend the live event (yet), it's definitely on the bucket list. I would love to sit in the audience and see all the wonderful stars and talented behind-the-scenes crew that create many of the great (and my fav) shows and specials.

Always the TV junkie, as a kid I would dream of nabbing one of those golden-lady statutes and uttering those famous words, "I'd like to thank the Academy!"

A girl can (deliriously) dream, can't she? LOL.

In the meantime, I'll work on finding a way to walk the red carpet (in a hot dress!) and actually attend the live, awards ceremony (with a hot date!)

Maybe next year... fingers crossed. It will probably take me that long to find the dress and see if Clooney is available. :-)

For now, watching the TV telecast, rooting for my fav shows and hearing the writers, directors, and cast give inspiring, funny and wacky speeches will totally do.

The 62nd Prime-time Emmy Awards was my TV joy moment for today.

All three hours worth! LOL.

Stay tuned :-)


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hey Leo!

Leo and I were together again... in my mind.

Went to see the movie, "Inception" starring my husband-to-be (again, in my mind), Leonardo DiCaprio. He's wonderful as usual and gets better looking with age.

Good movie... very original and an extremely creative plot. It involves so many unique details, you definitely have to pay attention. So, don't go wandering off for a popcorn refill because you may get lost. LOL.

Plus, you'll miss the fabulous acting and great wardrobe changes of the debonaire DiCaprio. Yes, I have a small crush, but I promise I'm not a stalker, just his unofficial (and unpaid) P.R. person. :-)

But seriously speaking, the movie has a great supporting cast, amazing effects and will have you discussing the unusual plot afterwards.

Glad I finally had a chance to see it... and reunite with my Leo. :-)

It was my little joy moment for today.

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday Catch-up


Had Din Din with my friend friend. LOL.

Gathered with a friend that I haven't seen in awhile to catch up and chow-down. We did much of both, LOL.

Lots of laughter and great conversation mixed with good entrees and yummy appetizers.

Great way to end a Friday... and it was my joy moment for today.

Hope you had a good one!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mornin' Sunshine!

Had a different kind of wake up call today. Instead of my alarm clock rousing me out of my slumber, it was the bright morning sun.

Normally, the room is vampire-style dark with zero light coming through the windows. But due to a sudden air conditioning malfunction, and triple digit weather, all the windows were opened, shades were thrown back and any semblance of a breeze brought about a cheer... and a slight whimper, lol.

So, when I was awakened this morning to a very bright light, I forgot and thought, (a) someone had played a trick on me and moved my bed outside, (b) I was in some kind of movie-type, dream sequence, (c) I'd suffered a heat stroke.

Turns out, it was just the beautiful morning sun making it's grand appearance. I opened my eyes to lovely blue skies, bright clouds, and warm sunlight on my face.

Although, it was 6:30am (way before my alarm clock would've went off), I had to smile! Basking in the sunlight, while still in bed, was actually a nice (and different) way to greet the day.

My joy moment for today was my sunny, wake up call. It gave me an early start and a sunny (ha!) disposition, to boot.

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

That's the Attitude!

Attitude. Sometimes it's the difference between a good day and a not-so-good day.

Today was one of the crazy days. Several things were going topsy turvy, all of it out of my control. Unfortunately, that didn't make it any less stressful. Until... I had a little, light bulb moment.

Stressing over the issues wasn't changing anything.  And it certainly wasn't helping matters, my disposition being one of them.

It was time to put things in perspective. Stressing and obsessing was futile and a waste of time.  So I stopped. I let it go and forced myself to put optimism and positivity up to bat. You know what... it really helped. Letting go of the dead weight of worry, freed me up to be super-productive, creative and upbeat.

I won't know the outcome of the pressing issues for awhile, but that no longer mattered. More important, was that I didn't let the unknown take me down.  Deciding to remain positive and accept what I couldn't change, allowed me to concentrate on the things that I could.

My joy moment today was a simple attitude adjustment that helped to turn-around my day.

Leaving me with an attitude of gratitude... the best kind of 'tude to have!  :-)

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sweet Love!

Sweet Love. Two scoops of ice cream. Two different flavors. Too... die for.  LOL.

Decadent. Delicious. And a delightful detour from the dreaded diet.

I found love and happiness in a pint (uh, bowl, lol) of Haagen Dazs. May we never part.

My joy moment today was my indulgence in one of my favorite treats... ice cream.

Brings me sweet and scrumptioius joy in every spoonful. :-)


Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Monday, August 23, 2010

On The Lookout!

So how do you go about finding the joy in each day? Honest answer? Some days it's easy. Some days it's a hunt.  Like today...

Hit the snooze button one time too many. Traffic jams filled the entire morning commute. Very delayed appearance at work. Not off to a great start.

It all led to a crazy domino effect for the rest of the morning, and into the afternoon. Hello, Monday!

So how do I find a joy moment amidst the madness... when I can't even find a moment to breathe? I look for it. I seek it out like a ninja, if I have to, LOL. Because like anything else, if you don't make time for it, it won't get done.

If we can make time to take care of everything and everybody, we can, at least try, to find a moment for ourselves and to appreciate the gift of another day. Whether it's a few minutes or a few hours. Whether it's something simple, silly, or sublime. It's worth the time and effort... and does a mind, body and spirit good.

Bonus.. it will be one daily "chore" you'll adore. :-)

My joy moments for today were the simple kind... small, little doses throughout the course of the day. A super-sized, fab cup of coffee, making myself take a brief break for sunshine and fresh air, finding a special treat for a pick me up, and not taking things too seriously.

All of it helped me to keep my sanity, find a smile and add a little pep to my sluggish step. LOL.

Take that, Mr. Monday!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday Mix

Pleasant day. Had a combination of a lazy Sunday and a semi-eventful one. I call that a good Sunday mix.

Enjoyed some great convo's with my family members. Treated a friend to a birthday brunch and mani/pedi. Followed by some quality couch-time, and viewings of my fav shows on the boob tube.

Boob - 1.  Shows - 3.  LOL.

My joy moment today was enjoying a wonderful Sunday mixture of family time, friend time and me time. And, of-course, seeing my good friend smile and enjoy their special treat.

I love it when a plan comes together. I'm a mix master!  LOL.

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Saturday, August 21, 2010

EYE Yay Yay!

Saturday. I had high hopes for today. Wanted to run a few errands, do a few, fun girly things and get a few more hours of shut eye to start off the day. Didn't really turn out that way. Had a last minute eye doc appointment early this morning... didn't get the greatest news.

Have to get laser surgery to repair a small retinal tear. Bummmmer. Then after the intense eye exam, and oh, so fun dialation, Ms. Girl had to rest the lids for awhile, in low light, vampire style. Not the most fun way to spend a bright and sunny Saturday.

So where's the joy in all of this? I'm a lucky girl! Sure, it's not the greatest news but it could have been much, much worse. I've been seeing flashing lights... and not the cool Paparazzi kind. Doc says I should be okay, if I get it taken care of. And supposedly, the laser surgery can be done in the Doc's office and doesn't entail any recovery time. That's good news!

My joy moment for today was getting some answers about my eye issues and the relief of knowing things should be okay.

Knowing is always better than not knowing. I can tell you that!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday Love

Dear F R I D A Y.

I've missed you.

Been waiting for you.

Couldn't wait to see you.

Been counting down the days.

So glad you're finally here!

What took you so long?

Feel much better now.

You look amazing!

Guess if I saw you every day, it wouldn't feel so special.

I doubt that! LOL.

I love you, Friday.

Please come back soon.

I'll be waiting!

Always and Forever,

Ms. G.

Friday... My joy moment for today... all day long!

Happy Friday, Friends!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Stress Be Gone

It's Thursday. Friday is on the horizon, people!

Today was pretty busy, but the stress level wasn't as high due to several moments of levity with the co-workers.

It's funny (literally) what a little laughter will do. It's one of the best natural stress relievers, ever.

My joy moment today was sharing in lots of laughter and interesting chats with my work peeps... and getting things accomplished, too.

It led to a smooth and swift Thursday... paving the way for my good friend, Mr. Friday! LOL.

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sweet Mission!

Today I had a sweet mission. I was on a cake hunt... and it was all part of my job.

Only downside, it was all done in pictures and on the net, so all I could do was drool. LOL.

Then, to add to my growing sugar withdrawal, I had to locate a yummy treat for a friend's birthday. Although, I was excited to find what's sure to be a delicious surprise for them, yet again, I was nowhere near the tempting goodies. Heavy sigh!

I have to admit, even though I couldn't touch or taste (or cuddle) any of the treats, it was still fun checking them all out.  I'm guessing I was slightly hypnotized by the experience... 'cause that's just crazy talk! LOL. I need my sweets!

My joy today was doing some fun research into baked goods and locating several delectable treats.

It was a bitter-sweet day, but at least it was calorie free!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"What Would You Do?"

What Would You Do...

If you were walking in the park and you saw someone crying or in distress?

If you saw a group of teenagers relentlessly teasing or starting a fight with an overweight teen?

If you witnessed someone berating a person, being cruel, or not providing them with a particular service because of their race or religion?

Would you step in?  Would you help them out?  Would you be their guardian angel?  These are a few of the scenarios featured on the ABC hidden-camera series, "What Would You Do?"  Such a great show!

Basically, with the help of actors, the producers set up a scene with one person playing a victim and another person playing a trouble maker or victimizer, to see if any passerbys witnessing the situation will come to the aid of the victim.

I absolutely love this show!  It even gets me a bit teary-eyed... especially, when I see how emotional everyone gets when John Quinones, the host, steps in and let's everyone know that it was all an experiment.  Many times, the actors playing the victim are overcome with emotion at the amazing gesture of the kind stranger who came to their aid or defense.

Of course, not everyone stops to help, but the ones who do are amazing individuals, and as John Quinones, calls them, true angels.

We've all probably heard the sayings, "It's a cold and cruel world." "Everybody's looking out for number one!" "Not my business, not my problem." So when you see a show like this, where real people step in, sometimes at their own risk, to help another person that they don't even know... it's heartwarming and a wonderful reminder that there are plenty of good people in the world.

Watching the remarkable individuals on this inspiring show was my joy moment for today.

Now that's good TV!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Monday, August 16, 2010

Jazzy Monday

Had the pleasure of listening to several, classic oldies today. "At Last" by Etta James, "Route 66" by Nat King Cole followed by a lovely melody by the great Louie Armstrong... to name a few.

As usual, Southern California's jazz station, "The Wave", was serving up some wonderful tunes... And I was loving it!  Nothing like a little smooth jazz to get you relaxed and in a good mood.

My joy moment today was jazzing up my Monday with cool classics. Not a bad way to start the week.

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunny Sunday

Beach day... Finally! I've been hankering for a beach day for months now. Sounds crazy, since I live in California, aka beach land, but for one reason or another, it has eluded me. But today was my day!

After a friend and I found a great brunch at a lovely hotel in Santa Monica (it's Sunday people, you know me by now, LOL), where they served pancakes with pecans and "bruleed banana" (not sure what that means, but they were delish!), it was off to the beach!

I was a little worried when we first arrived at the beach because it was chilly and overcast. Could it be that I picked the one day in California when the sun didn't want to make an appearance?  Heavy sigh! But soon enough, the sun poked through the clouds and it was blues skies, glistening water and a gorgeous beach day ahead.

My joy moment today was listening to the sound of crashing waves, people watching, sunbathing, feeling the sand between my toes, partaking in good conversation and enjoying every minute of my long awaited beach day.

Hope everyone had a pleasant Sunday!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Saturday! This evening's itinerary... Par-tay!

Getting ready to go out and attend a gal pal's birthday party. She's having a big bash for her big day.

Looking forward to the festivities!

My joy moment today will be sharing in the celebration of my good friend's special day. Details to come.

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Friday, August 13, 2010

Freaky Friday

Friday the 13th!  Yowza!

Black cat ran across my path.  Flat tire.  Snagged and ripped my new blouse.  Spilled coffee on my boss's pants!  All the things you'd expect on Friday the 13th. Thankfully, none of that occurred! LOL.

Whenever the 13th falls on a Friday, superstitious or not, that date is noticed and noted by many.  A co-worker of mine warned me about the day, and it was only Tuesday.

Funny enough, there's actually a word for people who have a fear of Friday the 13th, Friggatriskaidekaphobia. Freaky word for a freaky day.

I usually try and ignore it and treat it like any other day... although, I'm not normally wearing a helmet, LOL!

And guess what?

No full moon.  No scary Jason dude chasing people.  No craziness... at least, nothing out of the ordinary :-)

So what's my joy moment for today?  Freaky Friday wasn't so freaky. It was uneventful, low-key, and normal. Just the way I like it!

Guess I can lose the helmet now. But what should I do with the shield? :-)

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Sunsets. Gotta love 'em.

I love that time between daylight and nightfall. That sweet spot just before the sun goes down, when the sky has a gorgeous glow and makes everything look like a beautiful postcard.

Oops! I don't know how that last picture got in there, LOL... but even the golden arches have a softer glow.

My joy moment today was enjoying this evening's beautiful sunset.  And no, I didn't stop at Mickey D's... like the sunset, I just admired it from afar.  :-)

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Time to Get Moving!

A friend mentioned that I've been talking about food lately. Don't we all like to talk about the things we love?  LOL. Is it so wrong to love food... it's been good to me.

All non-kidding aside, it's time to find some balance and get in a little exercise, too.

A few months ago, when I was preparing to attend a May wedding, I was in a good routine and working out pretty regularly. But right after the wedding (actually, during the reception), I fell off the bread truck.

The problem is, I dislike exercise. It's just not as friendly as food. But since it's very important for maintaining good health, I need to get with it! Time to find an exercise that I like. That's going to be a tough one.

Running... Only way I'd start running is if I was being chased by a dog, wolf, bear or bandit. Otherwise, the car works just fine for getting me from one place to another.

Jogging... Same as running. Brisk walk... It just looks funny.

Lifting weights... Does a fork count?  LOL.  Plus, those things are so heavy.

Treadmill... Worse than running and a brisk walk, because although you're moving, you're not really getting anywhere.

Aerobics... A lot of jumping around and doing choreographed moves to music.  Sounds great if it was for a contest, and I could win money. Otherwise, not so much.

Back to square one...  and I haven't left the couch!  All this talk about exercise is stressing me out... and making me hungry.  Just kidding! Geez!  LOL.

My joy moment today was getting out all my frustration (and sarcasm) and deciding to get back into the work-out groove.  I still don't know what the activity will be, but the wheels are spinning. The ones in my head, of course, since I still haven't left the couch. :-)

Fun suggestions are welcome.  Thanks, friends!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


It's funny how seeing another person smile or laugh can bring about a flash of our own pearly whites.

Don't believe me?  Dare you to look at these pics and not crack even a teeny grin...

I know I did!

This fun gallery was prompted after viewing a few humorous photos of my own, earlier in the day. Some made me smile, others gave me a chuckle.

I always say, it's the little things... And it was my little, joy moment for today.

Hope you enjoyed them.

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Monday, August 9, 2010

On A Thoughtful Note...

Always nice to get a kind word.

I received a handwritten note from a guest telling me how much they appreciated my help in guiding them through a project.  I've actually had the honor of receiving several, handwritten "thank you notes" in the last couple of weeks.

I have to confess, I didn't do much. I just try to put people at ease as I guide them through the development process. I just happen to love doing it.

I genuinely enjoy talking to people, hearing their stories and hopefully, assisting in something that could make a difference for those involved.  At the very least, I hope everyone has a good time and enjoys the experience.

The letters I recieved let me know I'm accomplishing my goal.

Feels good to learn you've made someone's day... even moreso, they took the time to make sure you know it.

It was my joy moment for today.

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Brunch Hunt

Brunch on the hill. Previously, I've mentioned I love going to brunch on Sundays.  I don't do it every Sunday (I do have to practice some self-control, LOL) but today was one of those days I decided to investigate a new place. This time it was a Cuban spot.

Expansive place on a hilltop. Beautiful views, pleasant staff, and the food wasn't bad, either. Pretty good mix of standard breakfast faire and authentic Cuban cuisine. Plus they had a small band serenading the customers, a nice bonus.

My joy moment today was scoping out a new place for Sunday brunch. Will add it to my list. But my stalking of the ultimate brunch place continues.

Dirty job, but someone's gotta do it!  :-)

Stay tuned :-) 

Ms. Girl 

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Chocolate Bonanza today!  I had chocolate cake (someone's b-day), chocolate ice cream (goes nicely with chocolate cake) and chocolate candy (just laying around looking lonely. I hate to see it that way, LOL.)

Yes, I'm a choc-o-holic. But if there's a cure for it, I don't want it. :-)

Chocolate makes things better. Chocolate makes people (me) happy. Chocolate should rule the world!  

Okay, perhaps, I need a choc-o-holic meeting, or two. But I hope to never get over my very sweet addiction. We've been together a long time... no sense in stopping now!  Plus, it does a body good. Just ask any chocolate addict.. er, lover  :-) 

My joy moment today was my chocolate bonanza. It left me with a delightfully long, sugar high.

See you soon, my sweet!  LOL.

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl