Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Visiting Day!

Fun day today.   I enjoyed a great lunch with a friend that I haven't seen in a long time.

We sat for hours catching up on the last three years and reminiscing about the old days.  We were having such a great time laughing and spending time with each other, lunch-time almost spilled into dinner-time.  And still, neither of us wanted it to end.

I also met up with my brother today for a visit.  Even more laughter and fun.  Just the two of us, sitting at a kitchen table, chatting for hours.  Once again, neither of us wanted to part.

During both visits, we were all lost in conversation, forgetting about the time and everything else going on around us. That's a great visit.

My joy moments today were spending time with people I love and adore. I feel blessed to have them both in my life.

It was a good day.

Stay tuned :-)

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