Thursday, May 20, 2010

Aaah, Southern Living

Visiting the south is always a special treat for me.  I get to spend time with the fam and enjoy a bit of southern living.

I love the south.  It's a place where strangers are friendly.  Where acres of lush countryside bring you a sense of tranquility.  Where politeness and hospitality still seem to reign.

As I sat on the front porch of my mom's place chatting with her, I enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere and the comings and goings around us.

As cars passed by, drivers would wave and everyone waved back. When people walked down the road, they made it a point to say, "hello."  Neighbors stopped by to chat, check on one another or help each other with a task.  That's right folks, it's a little like Mayberry... gotta love it!

The usual, "hurry up" and "gotta run" mentality is replaced with "relax" and "stay awhile"... Don't mind if I do!  :-)

My joy moment today was enjoying the laid back pace of southern life.  A place where I can slow down, rejuvenate and get centered again.  (Insert "a long, peaceful sigh", here. ) LOL.

Stay tuned :-)

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