Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Going Green

Today I went shopping for some plants for the home.  I don't have any in the house. The last plant I had, several years ago, was a cactus and somehow I managed to kill that.  I decided to try again.  Plants give a sense of warmth to a place.  It was time for me to become green friendly.

Keep in mind, I don't know anything about caring for plants (hence, the dead cactus) and even when I try to follow the instructions on those little plant sticks, I still manage to kill them.  So sad, but owning up to it is the hardest part, right?!  

So off I went to the garden center.  It was like Botanical Gardens in there.  A huge warehouse with gorgeous plants and flowers. Tons of beautiful potted plants, all waiting for a home (and a qualified person to care for them).  But which one do I choose?   Which ones are for the inside, which ones are for the outside?  Can they stay in those little pots?  Do I have to replant them right away?  How long should I wait?   Okay, maybe this was a bad idea. I don't want to murder another innocent plant. Are plastic flowers really that bad?!

I was just about to bolt, when a garden employee came over. Perhaps, he noticed my, "deer in the headlights look" or maybe he was wondering why I looked like a little girl lost in a forest.  Either way, I was glad he rescued me. He was helpful and gave me tips and information that lessened my anxiety and helped me decide.

I ended up buying four, pretty house plants.  Two small, two medium. Don't ask what kind, I forgot.  All I focused on was, "required little light" and "water every few days."  My translation, they pretty much raise themselves.  Perfect.

I'm hoping they will still be alive by the end of the week.

Believe it or not, my joy moment today was shopping for and purchasing beautiful plants to spruce up my home.

They are so pretty.  I'm going to do all I can to keep them that way. LOL.

Stay tuned :-)

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