Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hot Beef!

As you may have read from some of my posts, I've been trying to watch what I eat lately. I have just a few more days until my friend's wedding and I can't risk not fitting into my dress. Let's just say, it has little room to spare.

So, I've been trying to be good these last few days. Today, I had a snack bar for breakfast and a salad with a sandwich for lunch.

Then dinner time rolled around and I hit a snag. It wasn't my fault, really.

There was this big, juicy, blue cheese burger flirting with me. Seriously! It was relentless. Then it started whispering my name... and in a very seductive voice, too! It said, "You know you want me." I said, "No, I don't! I can't have you, it isn't right."

Then it lifted it's bun and showed me all of it's delicious condiments.

What's a girl to do under that kind of pressure?! So I said to myself, "Just one bite, Ms. Girl. A little taste won't hurt you."

Next thing I knew, it was gone. The whole darn thing! Someone had to shut it up. LOL.

My joy moment today was indulging in a delicious (oh, yes, it was!) burger. Hopefully, I won't be bulging out of my dress because of it.

We'll see.

Stay tuned :-)

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