Monday, May 31, 2010

Ga Ga over G.A.

Veggin' out day!  I'm not talking about salads, sprouts or meeting my daily requirement. 

I'm talking about me, veggin' on the couch, watching a mega dose of Grey's Anatomy. Oh, yeah!  Just what the fake, tv doc ordered. LOL.

I've been busy lately, so I had to do a lot of catching up, to see the much-talked about season finale. Thank goodness for Tivo! I watched five episodes of Grey's Anatomy, back to back... lovin' every minute. It was great and the season finale lived up to its hype, big time! 

High drama, hot doctors, and moving moments, had Ms. girl on a crazy, roller-coaster ride... all from the comfort of her living room couch. Say, aaah! 

My joy moment today was veggin' on the couch and getting up-to-date on my favorite hospital show. 

Just the medicine I needed. :-) 

Stay tuned :-) 

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