Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday, Monday!

Why is Monday the most hated day of the week?

Tuesday is tolerated, basically, because it's not Monday.

Wednesday has it's own nickname.

Thursday is like-able because it's so close to the weekend. Sometimes, it even masquerades like it's a Friday.  It's no fool.

Friday is the day songs are made about and cute little acronyms are used, TGIF! Everyone's happy it's arrived and things are kum ba ya!

Saturday... needs no explanation. It's an A-lister.

Sunday is referred to as fun-day, rest day, family day, etc. It's called many names but they're all good ones.

But Monday gets no love.

I know I'm guilty of it. I woke up today with a bit of Monday blues and dread. I was like, "You again? Weren't you just here?" I even made my FB status entry,"Monday is the root of all evil."

I know, kinda harsh. What did Monday ever do to me?

I decided I needed to change my way of thinking... So I pretended it was Tuesday. Denial was my answer. LOL.

Just kidding!

Monday is a great day. An awesome one.  Just like every other day of the week.  Because every day that I can get up and see another day is a good one. A blessing. Betcha didn't see that one coming? Neither did I. Then it hit me. What was I complaining about?  Ms. Girl gave herself a reality check... and fast. Wasn't that the purpose of my blog?  Wake up and Live!  Every day... Even Mondays.

My joy moment today was my own Monday morning wake up call. Reminding myself that each day is a gift and to make the most of them. They all may not turn out to be great days but I'll do my best to appreciate each one.

BTW, it turned out to be a pretty decent Monday. Next up, coming up with a hip nickname for it. LOL. Whatever works!  :-)

Hope you had a good one!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

Mid-Day Massage
Cha Cha Cha

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