Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hot, but not quite Ready!

On June 21st, summer will officially be here. Yay!  NOT.

My mind is ready for summer. My body, not so much.

You see, I'd been prepping for a wedding I had to attend in May. So, I thought, I would be "Hot and Ready" (like Caesars pizza) for the summer.  It's June.  I'm hot, but it's from the heat and I'm soo-not-ready for cute, summer outfits or anything resembling beachwear. How did this happen?

I was on a good bread-roll leading up to the wedding. I was watching my calories and exercising regularly. But after the wedding, all of that went out the cookie jar.  It didn't help that I was on vacation at the time. I mean, who diets on vacation? That's just wrong. And Absurd. And did I mention, wrong?

So I fell off the lunch-truck and here I am. Not ready for summer. What's Ms. Girl to do?

Today, I realized, while eating some ice cream... don't judge... that I had to start all over again. Not a good feeling... which led to an extra scoop. "Hi, my name is Ms. Girl and I'm an emotional eater." There I said it. :-)

So after this week (I need some time, people, I'm fragile!), I might, no, I will, start eating healthy and begin...e x e r c i s i n g. It hurts just typing those words. Okay, it's time to woman-up and just do it.

My joy moment today was eating my ice cream with bananas and delicious toppings. Just being honest! Did you think I was going to say it was my decision to start exercising and losing weight? Baby steps, people. Baby back rib, steps. :-)

Yes, I realize I'm using a lot of food references. You have your way of preparing for a diet and I have mine, LOL. I'll keep you posted, so you can keep me honest. :-)

Until then, live long and pass the potatoes.  I mean, prosper!  LOL.

Stay tuned :-)
Ms. Girl
Shame, Pain and Joy
Cardio Madness

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