Monday, June 21, 2010


Tonight I watched NBC's,"Last Comic Standing," a competition show in search of America's funniest comic.

Such a fun way to end a Monday night. I love comedy and I love to laugh. Just ask my neighbors, LOL.  I admire people who can get in front of an audience and give them a hearty chuckle. There was a time (a milli-second), when I thought I would like to try that. But I got stage fright just glancing at the stage.  

Comedy audiences are no joke (Ha! Okay, I'll stop), I should know, I'm one of them. We expect to have big laughs the minute a comic hits the stage... and they better keep 'em coming.  We're an impatient bunch.  It sounds like it would easy to go on stage and tell a few jokes for 2-5 minutes. Right? Not so much. Stand up there for a few minutes with bad material and see how long it is. Unfortunately, I've witnessed that. It's not pretty. That's where the talent and skill comes in... and for the great ones, it seems effortless. 

Tonight, I also had the pleasure of watching a comedian friend of mine perform on the show. She made it to the semi-finals... so proud of her!  I'm rooting for her to go all the way! 

My joy moment today was laughing it up as I watched several funny comedians (including my friend) compete for the show's top slot.

A little levity does a body good... and it's a pretty good night cap, too. 

Another 'funny' one for ya...
-"Mr. Denzel"

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl 

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