Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cardio Madness

I visited the gym again.  My third time in as many weeks.  The other two times weren't so hot.   This time I decided to take a kickboxing cardio class instead of fooling around with the "treadmill devil".

The instructor was a gray haired, older guy, at least 50 or 60. So, I thought, I can do this.  I should have known something was awry, when I noticed there wasn't anyone near his age in the class. This guy was no senior citizen... he was a madman.

This was my first time taking a class in YEARS!  I knew it would be difficult but I started to think there was a good chance I wouldn't make it out alive. This old guy was intense!  His reps were almost sadistic.  I'm not kidding, there were people in the room in amazing shape who were breathing hard and looked like they would pass out.  I could hear my inner critic laughing, "You don't stand a chance". Ten minutes into the class, a petite girl next to me, grabbed her bag and ran out the door.  I would have followed her but I caught a cramp.

I was convinced I wouldn't finish... but... I did!  I admit, I did take a couple of breaks here and there and a few times, I didn't perform his million set of reps, but I did complete the majority of the routine. I was so proud of myself!  "I am a machine!"  I wanted to scream.  An old,  outdated and rusty machine... but a machine, nonetheless!

This time, after my gym workout I felt exhilarated and proud.  I have to admit the instructor was actually very good. Throughout the class, he checked on everyone and was very encouraging.  I just didn't want to acknowledge that while I struggled to get oxygen into my lungs and my hair out of my mouth.

But he was great and gave the class an amazing workout. I felt lighter when I left. It could've been because I had sweat all the fluid out of my body, but who cares, I felt lighter!

That was my joy moment today.

I'll be back.  Bring it on, cardio dude!

Stay tuned :-)

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