Friday, March 12, 2010

The Little Things...

You ever have one of those day where things just go smoothly? Usually, my answer would be, "not really".  But today I had that kind of day.

It was totally unexpected since it began with an 8am dentist appointment.  I was also operating on little sleep, so I figured I wasn't off to a great start.

But it was a good day. Nothing special happened, just little occurrences that made it pleasant.

I joined my co-workers for a group lunch at a popular eatery.  I received unexpected good news from a friend about a personal project I'm working on.  Our department had a meeting today with our director and my pitches went very well.   Later, I had my first workout with my new trainer, who seemed nice and gave me a solid workout.  Finally, I arrived home to find a thank you note from friends with a special inscription telling me how much they enjoyed their wedding gift and our friendship.

It was just one of those days that had me upbeat all day.  That's not something that happens everyday.  Often times, it can be a series of occurrences that have turned a day upside down.

So I took notice of all the little things... and I appreciated the fact that I had several, "joy moments" today.

It was a good day.  Hope yours was, as well.  Happy Friday!

Stay tuned :-)

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