Thursday, March 4, 2010

On The Move!

Busy day today.  After a full day at work, I rushed out to attend my voice-over class. Following that, with minutes to spare, I caught a Cardio class at the gym. I felt like superman rushing from one place to another and doing a quick clothing change.  That is, if Superman drove a Honda and changed in a women's locker-room.

After the gym, I made the hour drive home and finally pulled into the driveway at 10pm. Funny enough, I wasn't as tired as I thought I'd be.  Although, the effects of the repetitive leg lunges were starting to kick in.

You could argue I wasn't tired because of the adrenalin and endorphins that were probably released from my flurry of activity. But I think it was because I was pumped up and feeling good after getting a lot done.

I started out with a plan and I pushed myself to make it happen.  I was focused, efficient and productive... and afterwards, very satisfied for accomplishing my small goals.

It was a good feeling... and it was my joy moment for today.

Okay, time to crash! LOL.

Stay tuned :-)

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