Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Stressful People

It's been one of those days today.  An annoying situation has reared it's ugly head once again.  What to do when you are dealing with an unkind person?

I've tried every way I know how to rectify the problem as nicely and as calmly as possible, but to no avail.  For whatever reason, this person feels the need to be this way... at times it's hurtful.

Today was one of those days when I let the situation affect my mood. I decided to go out, get some air and call a friend for support.  After several minutes of relaying the details, my friend responded, "You can't change people, you can only change how you react to them. Stop trying to figure them out... let God do that."

I know these may seem like really simple words but they totally clicked for me. I was letting this person and situation take over. It was affecting my mood, interrupting my thoughts, taking up time and energy and stressing me out!

It was time to let go. I couldn't control it or fix it but I could stop letting it control me.  We can't change people... and we shouldn't let the negative ones change us... for the worse.

I wouldn't allow this situation to take up any more of my energy.  I wouldn't let it hinder me from being the outgoing and friendly person that I try to be and I refused to stoop to their level.

My joy moment today was my phone chat with my friend.  Their words gave me some solace and helped me to re-focus. They reminded me of something I'd momentarily forgotten. When problems get too big, step back, let go and let God. He will work it out or show me a way. He always does.

In the meantime, I will continue to try to be the best that I can be.  :-)

The joy journey continues.

Stay tuned :-)

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