Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Journey for Joy

My joy journey is truly a roller coaster, as is life.   The reality is that sometimes with the stress and craziness of life, it's hard to take a breath, much less find the joy in each day.

Sometimes, when I've had a particularly crazy day and nothing seems to be going right, I say to myself... "What's the joy going to be in this day?  'Cause, I don't see it."

That's when I remind myself that's the sole purpose of this journey.... to find it... each and every day.

The joy moments are my realization and appreciation for a particular moment that has brought me happiness, joy, peace or contentment. It may happen naturally through the course of a day, or I may have to discover it. 

Sometimes it's an hour in the day, other times, it really is just a moment.  Sometimes it surrounds events I've planned, other times, it's totally unexpected.  And on those wonderful rare occasions, it's just a natural state of being... those are the best ones.

Joy for me today was taking stock of my journey so far, and feeling proud that I've actually stayed on track... each and every day.  It's shocking really.  It's easy to say you're going to do something but doing it is another matter.  At least that's been my M.O. Yet, here I am, almost three months in.

It's crazy!  It's amazing!  It's joyful.

Stay tuned  :-)

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