Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hyped over Skype

Today I had conversations with my mom and brother for the first time using the video software program, Skype.  What a treat!

I don't know what was funnier, all of us trying to figure out how to get connected or our excitement over finally seeing one another.

It was great to be able to see each of them as we talked. Looking at their faces and expressions made it much more intimate and enhanced our communication experience tenfold.

During my video chat with my brother I was able to meet and see his new girlfriend.  In my next call with my mother, she was able to give me a tour of a room she'd recently redecorated.  It was almost like we were right there with each other... so much so, my mother even started critiquing my hair! LOL.

I love Skype and foresee it becoming a regular feature during phone calls with my family.

Although, I may need a hair and makeup person for my close-ups with my mom. LOL.

Stay tuned :-)

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