Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Someone to Watch Over Me

I have a little routine that I do every day that I've never shared with anyone, until now.  It's pretty personal (or was! lol).  I do it every morning in the car before I take off to drive to work. Allow me to explain.

With the radio off, the car in park and complete silence in the car, I have my morning talk with God.  

Before I go out into the world and get on the road, I ask God to watch over me as I journey to and from my destinations.  I always ask the same for my family and friends.   I also pray that He guides my words and actions, and helps me to be all that I can be... and He would have me to be.  Each talk is different but those are the things I pray for daily.

I enjoy my daily prayer-talk with God. It always leaves me feeing encouraged, pumped up and ready for the day ahead.  I know He's got my back and I go about my day taking comfort in that.   

After my morning chat, I start the car, back out of the driveway and head down the road knowing that I'm in "good hands" because He is watching over me. 

My joy moment today occurred after my prayer-talk.  I smiled to myself, realizing that my early morning talks with God brings me joy and comfort every day.  

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  Philippians 4:13

Thank you for allowing me share my private moment with you.
Be blessed.

Stay tuned :-) 


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Ms Girl,
I stumbled upon your website and stayed to read a few posts from March 2010. I liked it so much I added a link on my post. You have a great, upbeat attitude that is hard to find this day and age. Keep up the good work.

MS. GIRL said...

Thank you for the very kind words about my blog. Much appreciated!! Nice to hear you enjoyed my posts. Glad you stumbled by, hope you visit again soon! :-)