Monday, March 29, 2010

Tax Time is Taxing!!

I was nervous all day today due to a scary appointment I had in the evening. I was meeting with my accountant. Is it me or does getting your taxes done put you on edge, even when you don't have a reason to be?

The accountant sits across from you asking you lots of personal questions... "Am I on trial, here?" Then he punches everything you say into a computer.  More questions.  More inputting.  Then he asks a few questions you may not have the exact answer to..."Can I plead the fifth?" Then you're asked to submit evidence..."Your honor, I object!"

The whole time I'm thinking, "Will I owe?  Will he make my day?  Will I get sent up the river?!  May the court show mercy!"

After what seems like forever, my accountant says, "Okay, let's see what we got", as he, ever so slowly, scrolls down his computer screen. Just before he answers is the longest 20 seconds of my life.  I hold my breath as I wait for him to deliver my fate.  I stare at him, then at the computer screen, then back at him.   I am boring a hole through him with my eyes. Speak, Man! Speak!

Finally, he says... "Looks like you did okay this year."  I exhale and begin to feel the air coming back into my lungs and blood pumping through my veins again.  Yes, that's right, the experience was sucking the life out of me. LOL.

He finally tells me that I'm getting a few bucks back from the feds and the state.  Yay!  I'm innocent...  I mean, I'm elated!

My joy moment today was getting my taxes done... wow, who would have thought?

Court adjourned.  I'm free to go!  LOL.

Stay tuned :-)

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