Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"What Would You Do?"

What Would You Do...

If you were walking in the park and you saw someone crying or in distress?

If you saw a group of teenagers relentlessly teasing or starting a fight with an overweight teen?

If you witnessed someone berating a person, being cruel, or not providing them with a particular service because of their race or religion?

Would you step in?  Would you help them out?  Would you be their guardian angel?  These are a few of the scenarios featured on the ABC hidden-camera series, "What Would You Do?"  Such a great show!

Basically, with the help of actors, the producers set up a scene with one person playing a victim and another person playing a trouble maker or victimizer, to see if any passerbys witnessing the situation will come to the aid of the victim.

I absolutely love this show!  It even gets me a bit teary-eyed... especially, when I see how emotional everyone gets when John Quinones, the host, steps in and let's everyone know that it was all an experiment.  Many times, the actors playing the victim are overcome with emotion at the amazing gesture of the kind stranger who came to their aid or defense.

Of course, not everyone stops to help, but the ones who do are amazing individuals, and as John Quinones, calls them, true angels.

We've all probably heard the sayings, "It's a cold and cruel world." "Everybody's looking out for number one!" "Not my business, not my problem." So when you see a show like this, where real people step in, sometimes at their own risk, to help another person that they don't even know... it's heartwarming and a wonderful reminder that there are plenty of good people in the world.

Watching the remarkable individuals on this inspiring show was my joy moment for today.

Now that's good TV!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

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