Saturday, August 7, 2010


Chocolate Bonanza today!  I had chocolate cake (someone's b-day), chocolate ice cream (goes nicely with chocolate cake) and chocolate candy (just laying around looking lonely. I hate to see it that way, LOL.)

Yes, I'm a choc-o-holic. But if there's a cure for it, I don't want it. :-)

Chocolate makes things better. Chocolate makes people (me) happy. Chocolate should rule the world!  

Okay, perhaps, I need a choc-o-holic meeting, or two. But I hope to never get over my very sweet addiction. We've been together a long time... no sense in stopping now!  Plus, it does a body good. Just ask any chocolate addict.. er, lover  :-) 

My joy moment today was my chocolate bonanza. It left me with a delightfully long, sugar high.

See you soon, my sweet!  LOL.

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl 


Jodene said...

Ok, I'm officially jealous of your day!
I think I'm going to find me a decent amount of chocolate considering it's a holiday here and I can do whatever I wanna ;-)

Thanks for the decedent motivation!

MS. GIRL said...

LOL! Hope you had a great,chocolate-filled holiday!