Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Time to Get Moving!

A friend mentioned that I've been talking about food lately. Don't we all like to talk about the things we love?  LOL. Is it so wrong to love food... it's been good to me.

All non-kidding aside, it's time to find some balance and get in a little exercise, too.

A few months ago, when I was preparing to attend a May wedding, I was in a good routine and working out pretty regularly. But right after the wedding (actually, during the reception), I fell off the bread truck.

The problem is, I dislike exercise. It's just not as friendly as food. But since it's very important for maintaining good health, I need to get with it! Time to find an exercise that I like. That's going to be a tough one.

Running... Only way I'd start running is if I was being chased by a dog, wolf, bear or bandit. Otherwise, the car works just fine for getting me from one place to another.

Jogging... Same as running. Brisk walk... It just looks funny.

Lifting weights... Does a fork count?  LOL.  Plus, those things are so heavy.

Treadmill... Worse than running and a brisk walk, because although you're moving, you're not really getting anywhere.

Aerobics... A lot of jumping around and doing choreographed moves to music.  Sounds great if it was for a contest, and I could win money. Otherwise, not so much.

Back to square one...  and I haven't left the couch!  All this talk about exercise is stressing me out... and making me hungry.  Just kidding! Geez!  LOL.

My joy moment today was getting out all my frustration (and sarcasm) and deciding to get back into the work-out groove.  I still don't know what the activity will be, but the wheels are spinning. The ones in my head, of course, since I still haven't left the couch. :-)

Fun suggestions are welcome.  Thanks, friends!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

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