Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sweet Mission!

Today I had a sweet mission. I was on a cake hunt... and it was all part of my job.

Only downside, it was all done in pictures and on the net, so all I could do was drool. LOL.

Then, to add to my growing sugar withdrawal, I had to locate a yummy treat for a friend's birthday. Although, I was excited to find what's sure to be a delicious surprise for them, yet again, I was nowhere near the tempting goodies. Heavy sigh!

I have to admit, even though I couldn't touch or taste (or cuddle) any of the treats, it was still fun checking them all out.  I'm guessing I was slightly hypnotized by the experience... 'cause that's just crazy talk! LOL. I need my sweets!

My joy today was doing some fun research into baked goods and locating several delectable treats.

It was a bitter-sweet day, but at least it was calorie free!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

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