Saturday, April 24, 2010

Slacker Saturday

I'm embarrassed to admit this but I've barely been out of bed today.

Except for meals, etc., I spent the majority of the day under the covers.

Yes, I'm being a total slacker, but cut me a little... slack. LOL (I couldn't resist).  It's not always this way but I've been pretty tired lately and sometimes we need to listen to our bodies... especially when it gets loud and uppity.

My body was saying (actually screaming!) "I'm exhausted, give me a break, lady!"...  I finally relented.

I took several cat naps, in between watching (or attempting to watch) a few movies.  Finally, toward the end of the evening, I started to feel better and got out of bed.  Right around the time, I should have been turning in.  Oh, well.  LOL.

My joy moment today was enjoying a day of slumber that helped me feel like my old self again.

Rest does a body good.  It's ZZZZ best!

Stay tuned :-)

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