Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rockin' Grandma

Sunday is the day of the week that I like to catch up on phone calls with the fam.

Today it was with one of my favorite people.  My grandmother.  She's 83 years old but don't tell her that.

She an avid bowler and has been for over 20 years. She loves to go to the gym for water aerobics classes, keeps busy with her yard sale hobby and is very active in her senior clubs.  She's a dynamo!  I only hope to be that outgoing when I'm her age.

I always enjoy my conversations with my grandmother. We're extremely close and can easily spend an hour on the phone with each other.  She's also one of the funniest people I know and always manages to make me laugh.  Although, I enjoy it most when I say something that gives her a hearty chuckle. She's an amazing lady who continues to inspire me.

My joy moment today was my phone conversation with my fabulous grandmother.  She's my hero, I feel blessed to have her in my life.

My granny rocks!  :-)

Stay tuned :-)

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