Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Reunion

Today I met up with a friend that I haven't seen in over 7 years.  It was so wonderful to see her again.

So much has happened since then.  She's a newlywed now!  It was great catching up and hearing about her new hubby... and his very romantic proposal. The two of us hardly took a breath as we tried to get up to date on each other's lives.

I can't give you a good reason why we lost touch.  We used to work together years ago, then we gradually lost touch after the job ended. It was just one of those things where life took us in different directions.

I can tell you this...  you never saw two people more happy to reconnect. Lots of hugs. Lots of chatter.  Lots of laughter!  We made a vow to keep in touch and promised to have a dinner date very soon. No more of the 7 year itch for us... LOL.

My joy moment today was getting together with a dear, old friend after 7 years.  

Reunions rock!

Stay tuned :-)

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