Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Playing hooky!

It's Wednesday already.  Usually by mid-week, I've been to the gym at least three times already.  This week, zippo!

For several weeks now, I've been going to the gym on a steady basis.  That's a feat for me. Prior to that, my gym attendance was once every two years.  LOL.  I'm happy to say, I'm getting better about my health and what I eat.  Plus, having a wedding event to attend didn't hurt either.

I've been pretty strict with myself... watching my calories (like a hawk), drinking water (boring!) and exercising regularly (trying). But this week, I fell off the treadmill wagon. I played hooky yesterday for a birthday scouting mission and enjoyed a savory dinner.  Today, I nixed the gym again, went home and after dinner preceded to eat cake.  A nice slice of fattening carrot cake.  I've obviously gone rogue!

I plan to get back on track for the remainder of the week.  But for now, my joy moment was coming home a little early, straying from my normal routine and enjoying a rare treat.

Playing hooky can be good sometimes... and in my case, delicious.  LOL.

Stay tuned :-)

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