Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Joyful Journey

Since the beginning of my joy blog, I've made some interesting discoveries.

For one, it's a fun journey.  I guess it better be, it is called a "joy journey".  LOL.

Yet, it's interesting how much it helps to foster a positive outlook. No matter how crazy, stressful or hectic my day gets...  I look forward to discovering or even creating one moment in a 24-hour day, that gives me joy, peace or contentment. No matter how small, no matter how simple.

It's always a nice surprise for me to learn what particular activity, interaction or occurrence, will help me to appreciate the gift of each day.  At other times, it's just the thrill of the hunt.

One of the best parts, has been receiving emails from readers telling me how much my blog entertains and inspires them.  I heard from another new reader today. It feels great... it's the icing on the cake.

My joy moment today was my appreciation of the beneficial effects my joy journey has on me and the people I have the honor of sharing it with.

It's a joy ride.  :-)

Stay tuned :-)

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