Monday, April 26, 2010

Dream Big!

I caught a recap of the Oprah show today.  She was interviewing celebrities who started out working in odd jobs, yet had big dreams for their future and eventually made them come true.

The theme of the show was "dream a bigger dream" for yourself and one day it could be your reality.

One of the guests on her show mentioned that she'd made a bucket list of all the things she wanted to do in the future.  She said whenever she checked an item off the list, it was extremely rewarding and gave her a great feeling of accomplishment.

As a matter of fact, she commented she was living out one of her dreams right at that moment, by being on the Oprah Show.

I was inspired.  I decided it was time to make my own bucket list.  I always have a list of things I dream of doing rolling around in my head.  It was time to put them to paper and make them happen.

Not just the basic goals but the big stuff. The once in a lifetime experiences that will enrich me and give me lasting memories. "Wake up and Live" just got a little more interesting... LOL.

My joy moment today was getting inspired and starting to work on my own bucket list.  I hope to share a few of them with you in the future, along with great tales about how I completed them.

For now... Sweet dreams to us all.

Stay tuned :-)

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