Monday, April 19, 2010

Marvelous May!

I'm looking forward to the marvelous month of May.  The marvelous part comes from my excitement over upcoming visits with friends and family, throughout the month.

Early in the month, I will attend a dear friend's wedding. I'm looking forward to the happy occasion and finally meeting his soul mate. While I am there, I'm going to get together with several other close friends of mine that I've been missing.  I'm also organizing a few, mini reunions with wonderful, old friends I've reconnected with recently... and haven't seen in forever.

After that, I will hop a few states over to visit with my mother, grandmother and many other family members. I'm looking forward to spending quality time with each of them... and partaking in lots of delicious home cooking.

Then I will head back to Cali to meet up with another relative who will be visiting from out of state. It should be a fun time welcoming them to my town.

My summer vacation is starting a little early this year. It will be a busy month of May but I am looking forward to all of it.

My joy moment today occurred when I began making arrangements to visit with special family and friends.

Now if I can just find a good airline ticket!

Details, details...  LOL.

Stay tuned :-)

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