Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lovin' Lazy Sundays

Wow, yesterday was my first day missing an entry since the beginning of my joy journey.  I wasn't very happy about that fact when I woke up and realized it this morning.

I was so exhausted from staying up late a few nights this week for dinner celebrations, in honor of my birthday.  It finally caught up with me.  I laid down for a quick nap and that was all she wrote!

Ms. Girl promises not to let that happen again. :-)   My joy journey is a privilege and a priority.  I enjoy it and hope everyone tuning in does, as well.

After making peace with that,  I had a very pleasant Sunday today. I lounged in my P.J.'s and relaxed all day... mixing in binges of good food and leftover cake.

I also enjoyed a fun conference call with my mother and grandmother.  Chatting with those two is always a good time.

I love Sundays. It's the day of the week when I can relax and get recharged for the week ahead.  After morning prayer and usually, morning church service, I unwind and appreciate the remainder of my lazy Sunday.  It's the day I can catch up on phone calls with relatives and friends, indulge in a few good movies, or lounge the afternoon away on the couch or in bed without guilt.

The last day I can be completely lazy before getting back to business.

My joy moment today was enjoying each and every moment of my laid back Sunday.

I should be good and ready for Manic Monday, LOL.

Have a great week!

Stay tuned :-)

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