Sunday, July 25, 2010

Serene Sunday

Peaceful Sunday.

Chatted on the phone with my Gran... she always makes me laugh. Had a nice conversation with a friend I've been playing telephone tag with. Laid out in the sun for a bit, loved that!... Soaking up some sunshine always puts me in a good mood.  Watched some flix on the tube..  and just relaxed.

No work for Ms. Girl today... and it felt good. As we all know, sometimes, it's hard to relax and not think about all the things that we need to get done.  But today I gave myself a day pass... and actually stuck to it.  It felt good, and interestingly enough, my Sunday seemed to go by a little slower than usual. Serene, indeed!

My joy moment today was taking in some guilt-free lounging for a change. It does a mind, body and spirit, good!

Here's to serene Sundays. :-)

Hope you had a great one!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

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