Monday, July 12, 2010

Funny Monday!

I was sent a humorous video on Facebook. Louis C.K., a comedian that appeared on Conan Obrien's show, was talking about how spoiled people are these days with all the modern conveniences.  He made some funny and interesting points, in that zinging comedian way.

Check out the Youtube video clip of him from the show, titled, "Everything's Amazing but Nobody's Happy."

P.S., even Conan thought his last joke was a little, well.. icky, LOL!

In his own funny way, Louis C.K. was trying to get across a good message... Be thankful for life's conveniences.

Take a look!  Click on the video link...

"Louis C.K. Video"

Having a few laughs over this video was my joy moment today.

Hope it gives you a chuckle or two :-)

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

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