Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lounge Day

Sunday.  Lounge day.

Had a nice night out at my friend's birthday party, yesterday. Met lots of fun, new people and ran into a few I haven't seen in awhile. Good times!

Followed by a quiet Sunday.  Made a yummy breakfast, got some work done, then caught up on my couch time. We've missed each other, LOL.

Now, I'm winding down, and hopefully, will make it to bed before midnight.  Although, not likely.  Ms. Girl is a night owl...  and the night is still young, even though, I'm not. :-)

A good movie and some herbal tea action are in my future.  And if I can locate a piece of chocolate around here, I'll have the perfect nightcap. Hey, you have your routines, and I have mine!  LOL.

Hope you had a pleasant Sunday!

Stay tuned :-)


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