Saturday, July 24, 2010

Early bird!

Saturday.  Woke up today at 7:30 am, for no good reason. That sooo was not the plan.  My mission was to finally sleep in.  But an early start, led to several errands getting done.  So I guess it was a good  thing. 

Started off the day with a stop at my fav bagel place. Then made a few mundane pit-stops... bank, post office, cleaners.  Secured a last minute eye doc appointment (which took forever!), turns out Ms. Girl needs glasses! (Boo!)  Way to cramp a diva's style. Took another hour for me to find cool frames... Ms. Girl has a rep, you know, LOL.  Afterwards, a detour to a department store for a little present (and pick me up) got me back on track... Yes, I know, lame excuse!  But hey, I felt better, LOL!  Got in a few more errands, then rounded the day out with dinner with a friend.

Surprisingly, my joy moment today was getting a very early start...  and subsequently getting a lot accomplished.

It's not so bad being an early bird... once in awhile.  Let's not make a habit of it. :-)

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl


Jodene said...

Hey Ms. it's been a while but now I'm all set up with RSS feeds so there shall be a lot more catching up on the days of your life.

I wear glasses ... took me a while to look in the mirror and go ... hmmm, sexy!! Trust me, they are ;-)

Hope your Sunday story is a chilled out one!

MS. GIRL said...

Thanks Jodene! Glad to hear you'll be tuning in.

Thanks for the tip, looking forward to sporting my sexy specs. LOL! Have a good one.