Saturday, July 10, 2010

Master Of Suspense

I may have mentioned on a few occasions that I love movies. Old movies... even better.  I love watching a good movie that I can become totally immersed in. One that has a great plot, dialogue, drama, intrigue and acting.  Love it!

Usually, at some point during the week or weekend, I like to lose myself in some good cinema. It's my guilty pleasure. Thank goodness for the millions of channels on cable... I can usually find a few.

Today, I got a nice surprise as I was flipping through the channels. I came across several Hitchcock movies being featured on Cinemax. Jackpot!  I am a big fan of Alfred Hitchock! Aptly nicknamed, "The Master Of Suspense" because of thrilling and groundbreaking films, like, Psycho, The Birds, Rear Window, Vertigo, Rope, The Man Who Knew Too Much, North by Northwest, Marnie, Dial M for Murder... Frenzy, Rebecca, Shadow of a Doubt... the list goes on and on.

The British born actor made over 50 films in his successful, six decade career. Although, I haven't seen them all, I have many favs.

His movie, The Birds affected me so much, to this day I have an issue with my feathered friends. LOL.  I love James Stewart and Grace Kelly in the incredibly suspenseful and romantic hit, Rear Window. And who hasn't seen his thriller, Psycho! Everyone knows that famous shower scene at the Bates Motel. Oh, Norman!

So, it was a real treat to come across a few of his classics that I haven't viewed.  Oh, yes!  Ms. Girl actually got a little giddy over it!

My joy moment today was checking out two, Hitchcock flicks, back to back... Saboteur and Frenzy.

Next up, a documentary on the life of the legendary director. Yep, it's all about Hitch this weekend.  

It was... (in the words of the famous director), a... "Gooood Eveeening."   That's a throwback to his standard greeting on his successful TV Series, "Hitchcock Presents."  Little history for ya...  I told you I was a, fan. LOL. 

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl 


GodsFavDiva said...

WOW!! I love that we share the same good taste in movies!
Sir Alfred Hitchcock was truly THE Master! I can't even remember when I started appreciating his work; I just know that I can't be without it!

Of the wonderful films you mentioned, I really adore "Rope", "Dial M for Murder", and 'Rebecca" (Mrs. Danvers was a brilliant character).

I was thrilled when "The 39 Steps" went to Broadway; now I've seen every version of that story.

I guess we will both be enjoying the brilliance of Sir Hitch this weekend...thanks, Ms. Girl, for reminding me of the joy derived from great cinema.

MS. GIRL said...

Wonderful to hear that you're also a fan of the great Hitchcock!

I LOVE Rope, too! It's a masterpiece. One of his most experimental films, that was shot it in real-time, in one setting, with very little editing. (Hitch trivia for ya:-) Dial M for Murder, another riveting film. I haven't seen Rebecca yet... must add it to the list!

Wasn't aware 39 steps went to Broadway. How wonderful that you've seen every version.

Thanks very much for sharing, fellow Hitch fan!! Enjoy!