Monday, February 1, 2010

Wake Up Call

Out of the blue, I got a call from my mother telling me how talented I am.  You're probably thinking that's what mother's do. But this call was a little different.

She told me she was watching a professional woman being honored for her work on an awards program and thought of me.  She said, although I am doing fairly well, I have not reached my full potential.  She then said I had so much talent that was not being fulfilled.  Say what?!  She's never said that to me before... she's always been a proud and boastful mama.  Proud of my somewhat steady career in television production and that someone thought a few my scribbled stories were good enough to be published.

But what I found most surprising about what she said is that I'd been feeling the exact same way, lately. That I'm supposed to be doing more. That I'm capable of much more. That I'm not living my life's full purpose. There are many things I've put off, never completed or avoided altogether.  The time is now. I have felt this way for awhile but just haven't acted on it.  She said a lot more during that conversation and every bit of it was what I've been feeling or thinking... but never told anyone.

I needed that wake up call. I needed to hear it out loud and not just as a nagging whisper in my private thoughts.  I have to stop procrastinating and follow through on my dreams and goals.  I need to work on the things that will hopefully, take me to the next level and and allow me to live the life that I dream about.

I think this is part of the journey that I'm on with this blog.  We'll see.

Stay tuned :-)

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