Sunday, February 14, 2010


It was a pretty subdued Sunday.  I spent a couple of hours working from home, then spent the rest of the day taking care of various things.

There was a moment today when a sense of peace came over me.   It's not that everything in my world is perfect but I was appreciative of the fact that it was an uneventful day, in a good way. I've certainly had days like this before but always managed to find something to stress about. Lately, I've been doing that a little less.

I think my joy journey is starting to have an affect on me.  I've had a few of these moments where I've become reflective on the new things I've experienced and excited about the stuff I have planned.  Then there are the wonderful moments like today, when I am content and appreciative of my life, as is.

Finding the joy in each day is becoming a good habit and is definitely affecting my outlook, mood and spirit.

Joy for me today was my moment of contentment and peace.

Moment by moment.  Taking it one day at a time.  The journey continues.

Stay tuned. :-)

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