Thursday, February 18, 2010


I was complimented today when an employee asked to borrow a work presentation template I set up.  I thought she would use it as a guide but she just about copied it.  I thought that was a bit odd, especially since we were going into the same meeting.  Now, my original design wouldn't appear so original, anymore.

Before I started to get miffed and second guess sharing my work, I stepped back and realized the action was more complimentary than anything else.  She did say it looked great, and I guess it was so good she wanted hers to look that way, too.   Plus, it was just the set-up that would be the same, our ideas would be different.

When I looked at it that way, as a compliment, the way it was probably intended, it made me feel good. Especially, since she'd been given another model to follow but preferred mine.

Later, another co-worker came across my layout and also remarked favorably about it and thought about doing hers the same way.

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery... and who doesn't like to be flattered?  Insert, batting eyelashes here... LOL.

Stay tuned. :-)

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