Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mic Check!

Today I took my first ever voice over class.  It was so much fun!  And...  I'm getting one on one instructions from one of the veteran performers in the biz.

She's a no nonsense teacher and a pro.  I'm happy to have found her.  It was also nice to hear her say my voice was unique and could do well in animation.

After she downloaded me with a lot of introductory information, I had a chance to go into the booth for the first time and do a very quick voice over. It was funny hearing my own voice booming in my ears as she played my tracks back to me.  I was pretty suprised at how natural some of it was coming to me. I seemed to be implementing her directions very quickly.

It was truly the highlight of my day! First, because I was experiencing something that I've always wanted to try. Second, I knew I'd researched and found a great teacher who would help me build skills in this arena. Lastly, I could tell this would be loads of fun and possibly (waaaay down the line, of course) financially rewarding.  For right now, I just want to learn all I can and enjoy the process.

I must rest now... and nurture my instrument!  LOL!  

Stay tuned! :-)

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