Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Working it Out!

Had a lot of pent up energy and stress today. Needed to find a productive release... and fast.

Decided to visit the gym. I say visit, because the gym and I don't mingle on a regular basis. LOL. It did a world of good.

Working out on the equipment actually helped to work out some of my frustrations. I blasted the headphones and totally rocked out while I was on the treadmill... in my head, of course, LOL. Surprisingly, my mood actually fueled me to go longer on the treadmill. A nice bonus! And pumping  iron later on, was just what I needed to burn off residual irritations.

Guess it's true... exercise does the mind, body and spirit good. 

My joy moment today (surprisingly!) was my time at the gym.  Gotta love those endorphins!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

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