Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My Happy Hour!

Happy Hour!

Not the kind at your local pub or favorite restaurant. I'm talking about giving yourself a happy hour. Taking an hour just for yourself and doing something that makes you smile or brings you joy.

One hour a day, or a half hour if you can't spare a full 60 minutes, but dedicating some time during the day just for you. Right away, we hesitate, because we all have so much to do these days, so much responsibility, we may feel it's hard to find time to take a breath. But we must.

We may even feel guilty. Thinking there's a lot we could be doing with that hour. But we're not being selfish. We're being good to ourselves so we can be good for everyone else.

We have 24 of them in a day, at least one of them should be our own.

60 minutes. 3,600 seconds. To take a walk. Call up a friend. Catch up on your reading, watch your favorite show, or sneak in a nap. Your only requirement, getting your happy on!

Your happy hour could make a happier you.  And it might just rub off on those around you.

I only managed to get in 45 minutes today... but it did a world of good.  I turned my happy time into a no phones/no computer zone.  It was fabulous... and it was free.  My happy (almost) hour was my joy moment today. Next time, I'm going for the full 60 :-)

Here's to happy hour!

Cheers, Friends!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

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