Sunday, November 7, 2010

Young at Heart

I'm a kid at heart. So when I came across an old school video game today... I jumped right on it.

Pacman is my fav! 

I'm not one for the newer, high tech games.  Oldies like Pacman and Tetris are still a blast for me and bring back fond memories.  

When I saw that Pacman video game I had to jump on and see if I still had any of my old skills. I was a tad rusty at first, but soon enough, I was chasing those little ghosts and racking up points. The girl was back! I even drew a little audience (of 1, LOL).  Another female adult who was also a Pac man lover... we're out there, people!  LOL. 

I totally got into the game like a kid... Making faces, exhaling, gasping, talking to myself and yelling at the ghosts that were chasing me. 

Yes, I got a little animated but it was so much fun! Best stress buster, ever! 

Entertaining the kid in me and indulging in a little child's play was my joy moment today.  

May we all stay young at heart.

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl 


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a blast.

Jodene said...

Wow, I absolutely love my memories of Pac Man!! We used to have one in the cafe down the road when I was in school.
Thanks for the gorgeous memory down memory lane!

MS. GIRL said...

Thanks for the comments, Friends! It was so much for fun... and for just pocket change. You can't beat that. Pac Man still rules! LOL