Saturday, November 13, 2010

Life Stuff, On Demand!

On Demand.

I love selecting a movie on cable TV and instantly watching it On Demand.  I just scroll down, check out the list of genres, make a selection and voila!  Movie action! At your fingertips. If only other life stuff were that easy. Wouldn't it be great if everything were On Demand?

Ice cream, On Demand. With just a click of a button, the doorbell rings with a delivery of a cone or cup of your favorite ice cream.

Laundry done, On Demand.  Click of a button, someone arrives to pick it up and drops it off, all sorted, folded and still warm. Just the thought of it brings about happy tears, LOL.

Food, On Demand. Scroll down a list of restaurants, pick any cuisine and make your order. Doorbell rings, hot food at your service. Yes, I know we can do deliveries online but I'm on a roll, here, LOL.

Grocery shopping, On Demand. Housekeeping, On Demand. Hairstylist, manicurist, eyebrow plucker-ist, On Demand. All life's chores, mundane tasks, errands... all On Demand.

Sure, we (me) would probably be a lazier and more out of shape society... but that's where a personal trainer On Demand, a doctor On Demand (house calls!) and inevitably, liposuction On Demand, would come in. Kidding!! LOL.

Yes, I'm getting a little carried a way. But a girl can dream, can't she?!

My joy moment today is settling in to get lost in a good movie, On Demand...  and letting my imagination run wild, LOL!

A little daydreaming can be good for the soul :-)

Thanks for indulging, friends.

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

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