Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Shake it Off!

Shake it off!

Sometimes you just have to shake it off.

Rude or impolite person. Shake it off.

Bad day at the office. Take it in stride. Keep it moving.

Kids or family members out of line. Give them a pass...this time! Then move on.

Some days you might be shaking it so much, it may look like you're doing a crazy dance, LOL. But you may be better off for it.

Sometimes, maybe not all the time, it's good to just let things go. It saves your sanity and your stress level... and may even put things in perspective.

On crazy days, when everything and everyone seem to be out of order... I take a moment to say the serenity prayer. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Shaking it off and not letting life's craziness, or crazies, get the best of me was my joyful (and peaceful) moment for today.

Shake, shake, shake... and be well friends!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

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