Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Little Peace and Quiet

The benefits of peace and quiet are so underrated.  As soon as we get up in the morning, there are so many sounds...

Alarm clock buzzing.  Coffee maker popping.  Cars starting.  Garage doors opening. Kids talking, dogs barking, radio blaring, water running... the hustle of bustle of a new day is loudly and proudly upon us.

And that's all well and good.

But if you can catch a few moments of peace and quiet during the day... it does a body good. A few moments to rejuvenate, rest your mind, reflect, or just exhale can do wonders. A little peace and quiet can go a long way... it may turn your day around or leave you in a better frame of mind. Take five... or ten, you'll be glad you did.

My joy moment today was stealing away a few wonderful minutes of peace and quiet.

How sweet the sound! LOL.

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

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