Saturday, October 23, 2010

What's Your True Calling?

True Calling...

"What I know for sure: There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It's why you were born. And how you become most truly alive." -Oprah

Do you ever ask yourself,  Am I living my life's purpose?  Am I doing what I was put here to do?  Have I found my true calling? If so, you're not alone. Many of us do.

As the quote above suggests, a major part of being happy is finding and living our true purpose in life. Using and sharing that special gift, that each and every one of us was born with, will bring us the true joy and fulfillment that we seek.

The reality is, especially in the these tough times, most of us aren't living our true purpose, we're just working, getting the job done, waiting for the whistle.  The dream has taken a back seat or maybe we don't even know what our calling is.

Today I came across a great article in Oprah Magazine, by Ms. "O", about that very thing. Queen O is the perfect person to give advice in this area. She is truly doing what she was put on earth to do and  shares her wonderful talents to uplift and inspire others.

Need some inspiration, guidance, tips? Check out her article, "What Oprah Knows For Sure About Finding Your Calling" or another great article by Robin Black explaining "Why it's never too late" to make a career change. You can find them both on, along with several other entries like, "Finding What You Were Born to Do,""Discovering your Hidden Talents," and more.

My joy moment today was gaining insight from these great articles. May we all discover our true calling and use it to enrich and inspire the lives of others.

Way to go, Ms. O!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

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