Monday, October 18, 2010

Blessed, Not Stressed

Ever stress about something so much you expect the worst outcome? And in the end, it usually doesn't turn out as bad as you thought. So why do we stress?  Human nature, I guess... And life can get a little crazy.

One of the things I'm learning to do is to stress less and count my blessings more.  Easier said that done, right? True, but it's a good habit to start.

Growing up, my mother always told me, when you have a problem, give it to God. Put it in His hands, she says, He will work it out. Basically, don't worry, don't stress. Have faith and give it to God.

Although, I've witnessed it many times in my life... God leading me in the right direction or helping me through a situation, sometimes I tend to fall back into my old habit of worry. Knowing full well, stressing doesn't get me anything but gray hairs... and Ms. Girl is too young (and too much of a diva) for that, LOL. 

Seriously speaking, these days, I'm learning more and more to rely on my faith and to let go of stress. I trust that God's got it and will work it all out... He always does and He's always right on time. 

Trust in the Lord with all your might and lean not to your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.  Proverbs 3:6

My joy moment today was witnessing how true that is once again, and feeling blessed and thankful for it. 

Blessings, friends!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl 

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