Saturday, October 16, 2010

Nurture Yourself

We all have those times, especially these days, when life gets a little stressful. Whether it's work issues, life issues, family issues, or personal ones.

Every now and then, we need to nurture ourselves. We need to give ourselves a pick me up. Whether small or big, simple or sublime, we need to do a little something for ourselves that nourishes our soul and lifts our spirit.

That's what I tried to do today. Of course, there are plenty of productive things I could get done on a Saturday, like laundry, house cleaning, paperwork, errands, etc, etc, etc. But at times, we have to make ourselves a priority.

I'd had a stressful, crazy week dealing with all kinds of life issues. I needed a break. I needed to stop down and recharge. Nothing dramatic, just something to soothe the soul and make me smile.

So I spent the day out and about with a friend. We had lunch, went to a movie, visited a bookstore, then ended the day with an evening service at church. It was a busy day but in a good way.

By engaging in activities that were relaxing, and nourished my spirit and soul, I was taking care of me... so I could go back to taking care of business.

My joy moment today was taking a moment to nourish my mind, body and spirit. It felt great and was just what I needed.

Make time for you, today. You'll thank yourself... and so will others. Maybe that's just me. LOL! Kidding!

Be well, friends!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

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