Sunday, October 17, 2010

Loving the Ho Hum Sunday

Had a Ho Hum Sunday... and loved it. 

Cold and drizzly day outside. Spent the day under the warm covers... being lazy and lovin' it. Surfed the net, caught a movie, and had a few phone convos, all while nestled comfortably in my bed. 

By the end of the evening, I should be recharged and ready for the busy week ahead. I better be, right?! LOL. But for now, I'm enjoying the last few hours of my lazy Sunday.

My joy moment today was relishing my day of self-imposed bed rest. 

Get ready, Monday! I'm coming for ya!  

Hope you had a good one, friends. 

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl 


Jodene said...

Luv it!
Hope you have a gorgeous week ahead!

MS. GIRL said...

Thanks! Hope you had a great one.