Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Joy Ride

Started a new gig today. Yay!  It was a busy first day as my co-workers and I jumped right into our new project with meetings, first day setups, emails, etc.  Not much time to ponder my "joy moment" (Not counting the amazing joy I felt from having a job!) Next thing I knew, it was 7pm and I had no idea what it would be.                                                                                                                           
The mission - to do something that gives me joy and try to include another. I decided to give it my full attention during my long ride home, but first I made a phone call to my brother who lives out of state.  I wanted to follow up on a text he sent me the previous day.  Before I knew it, we were laughing out loud, catching up on each other's lives and joking around like we were little kids again.

Even before we said our "goodbyes" and "I love you's", I realized our phone conversation was my joy moment. I was glad to hear his voice, to know he was happy and doing well, and hearing his familiar, hearty laugh filled up my spirit.  I knew he enjoyed our chat just as much.

Joy came to me this evening on my ride home from work during a phone call with my little brother. Lesson learned... joy can come at unexpected times and in unexpected ways.   It's always nice to be surprised.

Stay tuned :-)

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